De Infinity
Leyenda de Las Tablas de CC | Artes Marciales | Ataque Sorpresa | Ataque Triangulado | Berserk | Bioinmunidad | Botín | Cadena de Mando | Camuflaje y Estado Camuflado | Contrainteligencia | Coraje | Despliegue Avanzado | Despliegue Estratégico | Despliegue Oculto y Estado Despliegue Oculto | Explotar | Fireteam: Dúo | Fireteam: Enomotarca | Fireteam: Haris | Fireteam: Tríada | Frenesí | G: Jumper | Guardián | Guerrero Nato | Hacker | Impetuoso | Infiltración | Ingeniero | Inmunidad | Liderazgo Inspirador | Médico | Metaquímica | Mimetismo | Minador | Mnemotecno | Morpho Scan | Neurocinética | No Hackeable | Número 2 | Observador de Artillería | Operativo Especialista | Paracaidista | Periférico | Piloto | Presencia Remota | Protheion | Puntería | Reacción Total | Regeneración | Remdriver | Salto de Combate | Sanitario | Semilla-Embrión | Sensor | Sentido Táctico | Señuelo | Sexto Sentido | Shasvastii y Embrión Shasvastii | Sigilo | Sin Incapacidad por Herida | Strategos | Suboficial | Súper-Salto | Suplantación y Suplantado | Tenaz | Teniente | Terreno | Transmutación | Tri-Core | Trepar Plus | Tropa Religiosa | Veterano | Vulnerabilidad | Zapador y Pozo de Tirador
Optional |
- Troopers using this Special Skill must be in Silhouette contact with their target.
- Engineer allows recovery of 1 Structure (STR) point, by passing a Normal WIP Roll.
- This Special Skill can be declared as many times as be necessary to recover as many STR points as the target has lost.
- If the Engineer fails the Normal WIP Roll, the target loses 1 STR point instead of recovering it, entering the Unconscious or Dead State, if applicable.
- Alternatively, by passing a Normal WIP Roll, a Trooper with Engineer may cancel all of their target's States that can be canceled by this Special Skill (Unconscious, Immobilized-A andB, Targeted, etc.), removing the corresponding State Tokens.
- Cancelling the Unconscious state allows recovery of 1 STR point. However, if the Engineer fails the Normal WIP Roll when trying to cancel this state, then the target loses 1 STR point, entering the Dead State, if applicable.
- Failing the Normal WIP Roll when trying to cancel other states has no negative consequence, and the Roll can be performed again in future Orders.
- Troopers with this Special Skill may also interact with Scenery Elements, following the rules indicated by the scenario or mission. In the case the players are not playing a mission but have defined a Scenery Element's profile before the game, Engineers can interact with these Scenery Elements by passing the WIP Roll indicated in the profile.
- In certain scenarios, the Engineer is considered to be a Specialist Troop, a term which distinguishes Troopers with the capacity to accomplish certain mission objectives.
Leyenda de Las Tablas de CC | Artes Marciales | Ataque Sorpresa | Ataque Triangulado | Berserk | Bioinmunidad | Botín | Cadena de Mando | Camuflaje y Estado Camuflado | Contrainteligencia | Coraje | Despliegue Avanzado | Despliegue Estratégico | Despliegue Oculto y Estado Despliegue Oculto | Explotar | Fireteam: Dúo | Fireteam: Enomotarca | Fireteam: Haris | Fireteam: Tríada | Frenesí | G: Jumper | Guardián | Guerrero Nato | Hacker | Impetuoso | Infiltración | Ingeniero | Inmunidad | Liderazgo Inspirador | Médico | Metaquímica | Mimetismo | Minador | Mnemotecno | Morpho Scan | Neurocinética | No Hackeable | Número 2 | Observador de Artillería | Operativo Especialista | Paracaidista | Periférico | Piloto | Presencia Remota | Protheion | Puntería | Reacción Total | Regeneración | Remdriver | Salto de Combate | Sanitario | Semilla-Embrión | Sensor | Sentido Táctico | Señuelo | Sexto Sentido | Shasvastii y Embrión Shasvastii | Sigilo | Sin Incapacidad por Herida | Strategos | Suboficial | Súper-Salto | Suplantación y Suplantado | Tenaz | Teniente | Terreno | Transmutación | Tri-Core | Trepar Plus | Tropa Religiosa | Veterano | Vulnerabilidad | Zapador y Pozo de Tirador