Impersonation State

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  • Automatic during the Deployment Phase, provided the user passes any WIP Roll that is necessary.
  • During the Active Turn, Troopers may only return to Impersonation State by consuming 1 Entire Order, outside the LoF of enemy Markers or Troopers.
  • This State may also be activated as indicated by Special Skills, Hacking Programs, etc.
  • Troopers cannot enter Silhouette contact with an enemy Impersonation Marker.
  • Troopers cannot declare Attacks against Impersonation-1 Markers (IMP-1).
  • Troopers cannot declare Attacks against Impersonation-2 Markers (IMP-2), it is required to Discover that Marker first (Discover + Attack maneuver).
  • In their Active Turn only, Troopers in Impersonation State may use the Surprise Attack Special Skill. (See FAQs & Errata.)

Update PDF 2.1, July 2023

  • A Trooper that fails a WIP Roll to Discover an Impersonation Marker cannot attempt to Discover the same Marker until the next Player Turn. Note that a Trooper that has been revealed, and re-entered Impersonation State again, does not count as the same Marker.
  • An Impersonation Marker has a 360˚ LoF.
  • An Impersonation Marker has the same Silhouette (S) value as the Trooper it represents.
  • This State does not interfere with Automatic Special Skills or Automatic Equipment, which will remain functioning normally.
  • The only AROs that can be declared against an Impersonation Marker are: Discover, Dodge, Look Out! or Reset.
  • When a Trooper in Impersonation State is activated, each Reactive Trooper can delay the declaration of their ARO until the second half of the Active Trooper's Order has been declared. In this case:
    • If the Trooper in Impersonation State reveals themselves with the second half of their Order (by declaring a BS Attack, moving into Silhouette contact with an enemy...), the delaying Trooper can declare their ARO.
    • If the Trooper in Impersonation State does not reveal themselves, the delaying Trooper loses their right to declare an ARO.
  • Impersonation has two levels, each with its own specific features:



  • In Impersonation-1 State, the player does not place the Model on the table but instead places an Impersonation-1 Marker (IMP-1).
  • To reveal an Impersonation-1 Marker, a Discover Roll must be passed, applying a -6 MOD.
  • If the Discover Roll is successful, the Trooper enters Impersonation-2 State. Replace the Impersonation-1 Marker with an Impersonation-2 Marker (IMP-2).



  • In Impersonation-2 State, the player does not place the Model on the table but instead places an Impersonation-2 Marker (IMP-2).
  • To reveal an Impersonation-2 Marker, a Discover Roll must be passed.
  • If the Discover Roll is successful, the Impersonation-2 Marker is replaced with the corresponding Model, facing in any direction its player chooses.


The Impersonation State is canceled and the Impersonation Marker is replaced with the corresponding Model whenever:

  • The Impersonation Marker declares an Attack or any Skill that requires a Roll.
  • The Impersonation Marker declares an Entire Order of any kind, other than Cautious Movement.
  • The Impersonation Marker enters Silhouette contact with an enemy Model.
  • The Impersonation-2 Marker (IMP-2) is Discovered.
  • The Trooper is or becomes Impetuous (due to having the Frenzy Special Skill or any other effect), or enters Retreat! State.
  • When Impersonation State is cancelled, its player must replace the Marker with the corresponding Model, facing in any direction the player chooses.
  • When replacing the Marker with the Model, the player must provide their adversary with the Trooper's complete Public Information.

Important Notes & Reminders


Enemies perceive an impersonator in the Impersonation-1 or Impersonation-2 State (IMP-1 or IMP-2 Marker) as an ally


The Discover Skill cannot be declared twice against the same Marker in an Order. You may, however, attempt to Discover two different Markers in the same Order.


Cancellation of Impersonation State is applied to the entirety of the declared Order, even if the Skill revealing the Impersonating Trooper is performed at the end of the Order.


ARO against a Marker:

  • The only AROs that can be performed against an Impersonation Marker (IMP-1, IMP-2) are Discover, Dodge or Reset.
  • Against a Marker, the enemy can delay declaring their ARO until it declares its second Short Skill of the Order.
  • In this case, they may declare an ARO only if the Impersonation Marker reveals themselves with their second Short Skill of the Order. If the second Short Skill of the Order does not reveal the Marker, the Trooper loses their right to declare an ARO.


Impersonation Markers are considered Allied Troopers, so Attacks cannot be declared against them. Any shot with a Template Weapon that affects an Impersonation Marker is cancelled, even if another Enemy Trooper was designated as the Main Target

The only exception is declaring Discover + BS Attack against a Marker (IMP-2) and passing a Discover Roll if the Marker does not reveal itself with an ARO.


Impersonation Example: Regaining Impersonation vs Hidden Deployment

In her Active Turn, a player wants one of her Models with the Impersonation Special Skill to return to the Impersonation-1 Marker State. She confirms that there aren't any enemy Models or Markers with LoF to her Trooper, and spends one Order to disguise him under an Impersonation-1 Marker. Her opponent knows he has a Trooper in Hidden Deployment who would have LoF to the Active Trooper. However, as the Hidden Deployment Trooper is not on the table as a Model or Marker, he cannot disrupt the Active Trooper's declaration of regaining the Impersonation-1 Marker State. Once the Entire Order has been declared, the Hidden Deployment Trooper nevertheless has the chance to reveal himself and declare an ARO, disrupting the execution of the Order—it cannot be carried out if it fails to comply with its Requirements—and making the Active Trooper lose his Order as it becomes illegal.

In addition, if the Trooper in Hidden Deployment were to declare an Attack as his ARO, he would make a Normal Roll.

Impersonation Example 2


During her Active Turn, a Speculo Killer in Impersonation-1 (IMP-1) State declares the first Short Skill of her Order: Move.

Now, the three Enemy Troopers with LoF to the Speculo Killer may declare their AROs.

Troopers 2 and 3 declare Discover, while Trooper 1 delays their ARO.

With the second half of the Order, the Speculo Killer declares Move again, placing herself in an advantageous position for her next Order.

As the Speculo Killer declared Move + Move, Trooper 1 has lost the right to ARO, since the Impersonated Trooper has not been revealed. Troopers 2 and 3 make their respective Discover Rolls and are both successful. Despite both Troopers getting successes, the Active Player only replaces the IMP-1 Marker with an IMP-2 Marker and the Trooper stays in Marker form.

FAQs & Errata

Version: 1.1.1, Dec 2021

Q: Can a Hacker in IMP-2 State (via Cybermask) use the Surprise Attack Special Skill if they don't have Surprise Attack listed on their Unit Profile?

A: No. If the Trooper doesn't have the Surprise Attack Special Skill, the Trooper cannot use it.

Related Pages: Cybermask, Impersonation State, Surprise Attack

Version: 1.1.1, Dec 2021

Q: Can a Troop that has failed to Discover an Impersonation Marker retry to Discover it if it has changed its level of Impersonation?

A: Yes, because they are different Markers.

Related Pages: Discover, Impersonation State

Version: Updated 1.3, Nov 2022

Q: Does a Trooper in Disconnected State or Unconscious State (including those in Shasvastii-Embryo State) prevent an enemy from re-entering Marker State, or cancel their Cautious Movement?

A: No.

Related Pages: Camouflaged State, Cautious Movement, Impersonation State, Unconscious