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This Common Skill allows the user to sidestep cyber-attacks by quickly rebooting all systems.

No LoF

Update 1.1.1, Dec 2021
Troopers can only Reset if at least one of these is true:

  • They are the Active Trooper.
  • In the Reactive Turn, if they are allowed to declare an ARO.
  • Allows the user to make a Face to Face Roll to evade all enemy Hacking Programs or other Comms Attacks during an Order or ARO, regardless of the Burst (B) value.
  • This Face to Face Roll pits the user's WIP Attribute against the attacker's WIP Attribute.
  • If the user is not making a Face to Face Roll (for example they are not the target of a Hacking Program or other Comms Attack), they will instead make a Normal Roll against their WIP Attribute.
  • Reset does not allow the user to evade other types of Attacks, but the Dodge Skill does.
  • A successful Reset Roll, whether it's a Normal or Face to Face, allows the user to cancel their Targeted State and IMM-B State, applying any State-specific MODs. (See FAQs & Errata. State MODs are cumulative.)


A Reset only allows Face to Face Rolls against Hacking Attacks and other Comms Attacks.

FAQs & Errata

Version: 1.0, Jan 2021

Q: Do State MODs all stack with each other? For example, if a Trooper is in IMM-B and Targeted State, do they apply a -6 MOD to all their Reset Rolls?

A: Yes.

Related Pages: Dodge, Immobilized-A State, Immobilized-B State, Isolated State, Reset, Targeted State

Version: Removed in 1.1.1, Dec 2021 1.0, Jan 2021

Q: How do Hacking Area AROs work, and do they allow the Trooper to Dodge?

A: Hacking Program AROs and Reset AROs are considered valid AROs for a Hacker if the Active Trooper is inside the Hacker’s Hacking Area. Dodge AROs are not considered valid for Hacking Area AROs.

Related Pages: Dodge, Hacking Area, Reset

N4 Errata
Version: Removed in 1.1.1, Dec 2021 1.0, Jan 2021

[Errata] In the Hacking example (p61), the Knight of Justice and the Orc both declare an ARO but this appears to contradict the rules for AROs.

Remember that non-LoF AROs can be declared anyway, and then in the ARO Check step you find out if the ARO was valid.

Related Pages: Hacking Area, Reset

Version: 1.3, Nov 2022

Q: What happens if a Trooper loses and gains points of W/STR or has States inflicted and cancelled simultaneously? For example, if an Engineer cancels a Trooper's IMM-A State at the same time as the Trooper is hit by a Riotstopper.

A: Apply the positive effect to the Trooper first. Then apply the negative effect. For example, make the Engineer's WIP Roll to cancel the Trooper's IMM-A State, then make the PH-6 Saving Roll against the Riotstopper's PARA ammunition. This can result in the original IMM-A State being cancelled and a new State being inflicted.

Related Pages: Doctor, Dodge, Engineer, GizmoKit, MediKit, Protheion, Reset