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This Common Skill allows the user to clear obstacles and leap over small distances.
Movement, No LoF, No Roll. |
Players will check the Requirements of this Skill when declaring it.
- The Trooper’s MOV value must be sufficient to reach a landing spot, and the landing spot must be equal or larger than the Trooper's base.
Update PDF 2.1, July 2023
- Allows the user to move horizontally (to clear a gap), vertically (to reach a higher or lower surface), diagonally or tracing a parabola, up to his first MOV Attribute value in inches.
- Jump is a Common Skill that does not require a Roll.
- When Jumping, measure the horizontal, vertical, diagonal or parabolic distance between the starting location and the landing spot, measuring from any point of the Trooper’s Silhouette at the start of the movement, but you must measure to the base’s outer edge and underside at the end of the movement (see example).
- Troopers cannot benefit from Partial Cover MODs during an Order in which they declared Jump.
- Jumping movement must follow the General Movement Rules as well as the Moving and Measuring rules.
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Measuring parabolas: the easiest way to measure a parabolic route is using a flexible tape measure, bending it for convenience. (See FAQs & Errata.)
Update PDF 2.1, July 2023
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During his Active Turn, the Fusilier has to clear a 1.75 inch high obstacle. As this is a height greater than his Silhouette template, the Fusilier has to declare Jump to be able to clear it.
During his Active Turn, the Fusilier decides to get down from the roof of a building as fast as possible, by jumping down. He declares Jump and measures the height of the building, which is 6 inches. However, the Fusilier's first MOV value is 4 inches and he must choose a landing spot that he can reach. As he cannot Jump to a new location safely, he performs an Idle instead.
During his Active Turn, the Fusilier declares he is going to Jump from one roof to another. The player measures the distance and checks that it corresponds with the Fusilier's first MOV value, and that the landing spot is larger than his base, so he can choose the spot as the final location of his movement.
FAQs & Errata
Q: How are Jump and Climb movement measured?
A: When measuring Jump or Climb movement, you can measure from any point of the Trooper's Silhouette at the start of the movement, but you must measure to the base's outer edge and underside at the end of the movement. The Trooper can vault over obstacles (parapets etc.) that are equal to or lower than the height of their Silhouette as normal.
Development team note: By gaining distance from the Silhouette and allowing the Trooper to ignore parapets (as long as they are equal to or lower than the Silhouette height), movement while Jumping or Climbing is facilitated. This makes these movements easier and gives extra value to Troopers with Super-Jump and Climbing Plus. As we can see in the image, the Jump path is the same even without the parapet.
Related Pages: Climb, Climbing Plus, Jump, Super-Jump
Alert | BS Attack | Cautious Movement | CC Attack | Climb | Discover | Dodge | Idle | Intuitive Attack | Jump | Move | Look Out | Place Deployable | Reset | Speculative Attack | Suppressive Fire & Suppressive Fire State