From Infinity
Ammunition | Normal (N) Ammunition | Armor Piercing (AP) Ammunition | Double Action (DA) Ammunition | Eclipse Ammunition | Electromagnetic (E/M) Ammunition & Isolated State | Explosive (EXP) Ammunition | Paralysis (PARA) Ammunition & Immobilized-A State | Shock Ammunition | Smoke Ammunition | Stun Ammunition & Stunned State | T2 Ammunition || Combined Ammunition | Combined Saving Roll | Ammunition Summary Chart || Weaponry | Mixed Weapons | D-Charges| Mines | Perimeter Weapons| Pistols | Pitcher | Sepsitor & Sepsitorized State | SymbioBomb
A support BS Weapon that shoots Deployable Repeaters, a range amplifier for Hackers.
- A successful BS Roll allows players to place a Deployable Repeater Token (REPEATER) at the point of impact.
Name | Range (inches) | DAM | B | Ammo | Save Att. | Traits | ||||||
8" | 16" | 24" | 32" | 40" | 48" | 96" | ||||||
Pitcher | 0 | +3 | -3 | -6 | -6 | -- | -- | -- | 1 | -- | -- | Speculative Attack, Disposable (2), Indiscriminate, Non-Lethal, Targetless |