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Traits are the special features of certain weapons and pieces of Equipment.

Traits are commonly given to Common and Special Skills, or to specific effects that make these rules more unique. Some are pretty obvious, and their names describe what their effects are, nevertheless, a list of the different Traits is provided to make them easier to identify:


This weapon's Special Ammunition can affect structures and pieces of scenery.

ARM = 0

This weapon or piece of Equipment reduces the ARM Attribute of the Target to 0 when a Saving Roll is required. (See FAQs & Errata. Ammunition and Traits that target one Attribute will not work if the other Attribute is chosen.)


This weapon or piece of Equipment is only usable in ARO.


Annex Rule

This rule is from the annex to the Infinity N4 ruleset, containing a series of rules, special skills, weapons and pieces of equipment which have been adapted to the N4 system, but with a provisional nature. Rules included here are completely official, however they may be modified in further expansions of the N4 ruleset.

This weapon only affects those targets possessing the Wounds (W) Attribute.


A weapon possessing this Trait applies the Boost rule, activating when an enemy Model declares or executes an Order or ARO in its ZoC.

BTS = 0

This weapon or piece of Equipment reduces the BTS Attribute of the Target to 0 when a Saving Roll is required. (See FAQs & Errata. Ammunition and Traits that target one Attribute will not work if the other Attribute is chosen.)

Burst (B)

This indicates the number of dice the player must roll when using the weapon or piece of Equipment.

Burst: Single Target

This weapon can only choose a single target for all shots of the Burst.


This weapon can be used when making CC Attacks.


This weapon or piece of Equipment uses the effects of the Camouflage Special Skill. Refer to the description of the weapon or Equipment for more details. Camouflage Markers concealing a weapon or a piece of Equipment have a Silhouette (S) value of 2.

Continuous Damage

After failing a Saving Roll, the target will lose 1 point from its Wounds/STR Attribute and it will have to keep making Saving Rolls until it passes a Saving Roll or until it ends up in Dead State.

A Critical hit with a weapon with this Trait forces the target to make an additional Saving Roll. This extra Saving Roll doesn’t apply the Continuous Damage Trait.


This weapon or piece of Equipment may be deployed on the battlefield, thus becoming an element independent of its carrier. Deployable weapons and pieces of Equipment have their own profiles and their own Attributes, and they may be chosen as a target during the game.

Direct Template

This weapon or piece of Equipment uses the Direct Template rules, firing the Template indicated in brackets.


Update PDF 2.1, July 2023
This weapon or Equipment has a limited amount of ammunition or uses, and one is expended every time you declare its use, regardless of the success or failure of the Roll involved, or if a Skill has been declared illegally. The profile indicates, by means of a figure in brackets after the Disposable trait, the number of uses for that weapon or Equipment. Once all the uses available are expended, the Trooper, or the item if the Trooper has several Disposable weapons or Equipment, will be in Unloaded State.

Each increment in the Burst (B) value applied to weapons with this Trait due any MOD uses up a Disposable use. For example, a Trooper with a Panzerfaust (a two-use weapon with B 1) and BS Attack (+1B) must make a BS Attack with B 2, consuming in a single Order the two uses available in the Panzerfaust, so this weapon will be unloaded and the player must place an Unloaded Token next to the Trooper.

In this case, if due any MOD the Burst (B) value is higher than the remaining number of uses available thanks to this Trait, players cannot exceed the remaining number of uses.

In addition, those weapons possessing the Disposable Trait and different Modes (such as Mixed Weapons, D-Charges…) share the number of uses provided by Disposable between all Modes.

Double Shot

Update PDF 2.1, July 2023
In Active Turn, this weapon or piece of Equipment can apply a +1 MOD to its Burst value. If it also possesses the Disposable (2) Trait, this Burst MOD can only be applied if both uses remain unspent. Applying this MOD will expend both uses, putting the Trooper in Unloaded State.

Impact Template

This weapon or piece of Equipment places a Template on the point of impact, firing the Template indicated in brackets.


This weapon or piece of Equipment is usable or deployable even if there is a Camouflage Marker in its Area of Effect, and even if there is no valid target nearby.

Intuitive Attack

This weapon can be used to make Intuitive Attacks.


Update PDF 2.1, July 2023
No matter the ammunition type this weapon, piece of Equipment or Hacking Program uses, it doesn’t cause the target to lose points of its Wounds/STR Attribute, or doesn’t require the target to make a Saving Roll when hit. Even if a Skill, rule or MOD adds or combines other ammunition types, the Non-Lethal Trait always take precedence, so this weapon, piece of Equipment or Hacking Program never causes the target to lose points of its Wounds/STR Attribute.


When declaring Place Deployable, the player will apply the Deployable and Perimeter rule, placing the weapon or piece of Equipment completely inside the ZoC of the Trooper, instead of in Silhouette contact.

Prior Deployment

You must place this weapon or piece of Equipment on the game table during the Deployment Phase.


The effects of this weapon or piece of Equipment will be also applied to troopers equipped with a Multispectral Visor of any Level, or any other piece of Equipment that specifies the same.


If you use this weapon or piece of Equipment to make an Attack while outside the target's LoF, that target cannot react with a Dodge or apply the Alert rule unless he survives the Attack (that is, isn't in a Null state after the Attack is resolved). Additionally, enemies without LoF in whose Zone of Control the Attack took place or was declared cannot declare AROs or apply the Alert rule unless the target survives the Attack. This means that these enemies must delay their ARO declaration until after the Attack is resolved.

Speculative Attack

This weapon can be used to make Speculative Attacks. (See FAQs & Errata. Cannot be combined with BS Attack (Guided).)


This weapon or piece of Equipment causes its target to enter a specific Game State. The Game State it causes will be indicated in the profile of the weapon, Program, or piece of Equipment. (See FAQs & Errata.)

Suppressive Fire (SF)

This weapon allows the user to engage in Suppressive Fire, substituting its usual profile with the SF Mode profile.


Update PDF 2.1, July 2023
This weapon utilizes a Special Ammunition capable of firing without designating an enemy as a target. In the Reactive Turn, LoF to the Active Trooper is required when using a Targetless weapon.

Technical Weapon

This weapon can make BS Attacks, but uses the WIP Attribute in place of BS. When using this weapon, consider all rules and MODs that would affect the trooper's BS as affecting his WIP Attribute instead. However, the BS Attack (Shock) Skill and Fireteam Bonuses cannot be applied when using a Technical Weapon.

Throwing Weapon

This weapon can make BS Attacks, but uses the PH Attribute in place of BS. When using this weapon, consider all rules and MODs that would affect the trooper's BS as affecting his PH Attribute instead.

Zone of Control (ZC)

The range of this weapon or piece of Equipment is equivalent to the user's Zone of Control (8 inches).

FAQs & Errata

Version: 1.0, Jan 2021

Q: How does Bioimmunity interact with Ammunition and Traits that reduce the Saving Roll Attribute, for example AP or E/M Ammunition, or ARM=0?

A: AP Ammunition is tied to the Saving Roll Attribute listed in a weapon’s profile. If Bioimmunity is used to make the Saving Roll against a different Attribute, that Attribute will not be halved. In the same way, if Bioimmunity is used against a hit by E/M Ammunition to make the Saving Rolls against ARM, the ARM value will not be halved. The ARM=0 Trait only applies if the Saving Roll is made against the ARM Attribute, and vice-versa for the BTS=0 Trait.

Related Pages: Armor Piercing (AP) Ammunition, Bioimmunity, Electromagnetic (E/M) Ammunition, Traits

Version: 1.2, Jan 2022

Q: Is it possible to use the Speculative Attack Trait while making a BS Attack (Guided)?

A: No.

Related Pages: BS Attack, Traits

Version: 1.1.1, Dec 2021

Q: How does the Disposable Trait interact with Burst values higher than 1?

A: Each additional Burst uses up a Disposable use. For example, a Trooper with a Panzerfaust (a two- use weapon with B 1) and BS Attack (+1B) must make an attack with B 2, consuming in a single Order the two projectiles available in the Panzerfaust, so the Panzerfaust will be unloaded and the player must place an Unloaded Token next to the Trooper.

Related Pages: Skills and Equipment in Infinity, Traits

Version: 1.1.1, Dec 2021

Q: How does Protheion interact with Coup de Grâce, and with the State: Dead Trait?

A: In both situations, the target passes to Dead State and the Protheion user counts as inflicting a single Wound.

Related Pages: CC Attack, Melee Weapon Profile, Protheion, Traits

Version: 1.1.1, Dec 2021

Q: Can a Non-Lethal Attack against a target with Immunity (Total) be a Face to Face Roll? For example if using a Flash Pulse against a Dog Warrior.

A: Yes. It is a Face to Face Roll - Immunity (Total) doesn't take effect until you've been hit, which is after you've made the Face to Face Roll.

Related Pages: Immunity, Traits

Version: 1.3, Nov 2022

Q: Does Double Shot work in ARO?

A: No.

Related Pages: Traits