From Infinity
Ammunition | Normal (N) Ammunition | Armor Piercing (AP) Ammunition | Double Action (DA) Ammunition | Eclipse Ammunition | Electromagnetic (E/M) Ammunition & Isolated State | Explosive (EXP) Ammunition | Paralysis (PARA) Ammunition & Immobilized-A State | Shock Ammunition | Smoke Ammunition | Stun Ammunition & Stunned State | T2 Ammunition || Combined Ammunition | Combined Saving Roll | Ammunition Summary Chart || Weaponry | Mixed Weapons | D-Charges| Mines | Perimeter Weapons| Pistols | Pitcher | Sepsitor & Sepsitorized State | SymbioBomb
Demolition (or simply D) Charges is the generic name for any number of remotely detonated explosive charges. As a weapon, they have been designed to demolish structures, objectives and terrain alike, but they can also be used in Close Combat.
- To be able to deploy a D-Charge as a Deployable Weapon, the user must be in Silhouette contact with a Building or Scenery Structure, or with an Enemy Model in an Immobilized or Null (except Sepsitorized or Possessed) State.
- To be able to use a D-Charge as a CC Weapon, the user must be in or enter Silhouette contact with an enemy Trooper.
- D-Charges (Deployable Weapon Mode):
- Are placed using the Place Deployable Common Skill.
- Cannot be used in ARO.
- They detonate during the Resolution of the Order, without requiring a Roll.
- D-Charges (CC Weapon Mode):
- In this Mode, D-Charges function as a CC Weapon.
- The detonation of a D-Charge doesn't affect its user.
- The Disposable (3) Trait is shared between both Modes. The bearer of this weapon has only three uses available, no matter which Modes are used.
Name | Range (inches) | DAM | B | Ammo | Save Att. | Traits | ||||||
8" | 16" | 24" | 32" | 40" | 48" | 96" | ||||||
D-Charges (Deployable Mode) | 14 | 1 | AP + EXP | ARM | Anti-materiel, Disposable (3), Deployable, [*] | |||||||
D-Charges (CC Mode) | 14 | 1 | AP + EXP | ARM | Anti-materiel, CC, Disposable (3), [*] |