Disconnected State
From Infinity
(Redirected from Disconnected)
Terminology | Alignment | Labels | Traits | Game States List
Camouflaged State | Dead State | Disconnected State | Engaged State | Foxhole State | Hidden Deployment State | Holoecho State | HoloMask State | Immobilized-A State | Immobilized-B State | Impersonation State | Isolated State | Normal State | Prone State | Possessed State | Retreat! State | Sepsitorized State | Shasvastii-Embryo State | Stunned State | Suppressive Fire State | Targeted State | Unconscious State | Unloaded State
Disconnected State | NULL |
- The Controller of this Trooper is in a Null state. (See FAQs & Errata.)
- The Peripheral fails a Coherency Check.
- The Peripheral is subject to a successful Attack or Effect of an Ammunition, Hacking Program, condition, or Scenario Special Rule that specifies that it causes this state.
Update PDF 2.1, July 2023
- The Peripheral is in Isolated State.
Update PDF 2.1, July 2023
- A Peripheral in this state cannot be activated, or declare Orders or AROs.
- A Peripheral in this State does not count towards the Player's Victory Points.
Show original text.
- This state is automatically cancelled if the Controller of this Peripheral recovers from the Null state which caused the activation of the Disconnected State.
- If this State was caused by an Attack, a piece of scenery, or a Scenario Special Rule applied to this Trooper, then a Trooper with the Engineer Special Skill (or an equivalent Skill) may cancel this State by spending one Short Skill of an Order while in Silhouette contact with the affected Trooper, and passing a Normal WIP Roll (or the Roll specified by the Special Skill or Scenario).
- If this State was caused by failing a Coherency Check, it is automatically cancelled by passing a Coherency Check at the end of an Order or ARO.
FAQs & Errata
Version: 1.3, Nov 2022
Q: What happens if a Peripheral or their Controller enters Isolated State?
A: The Peripheral will enter Disconnected State at the end of that Order. If the Peripheral's or Controller's Isolated State is cancelled, this will also cancel the Peripheral's Disconnected State.
Related Pages: Disconnected State, Isolated State, Peripheral
Version: 1.3, Nov 2022
Q: Do Peripherals in Disconnected State still activate with their Controller?
A: No. A Peripheral in this State cannot be activated, or declare Orders or AROs.
Related Pages: Disconnected State, Peripheral