Coordinated Orders

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A Coordinated Order is an organized combat action or maneuver carried out by several Troopers at once. By acting in unison, they can minimize the enemy's capacity for hostile reaction and use their superior numbers to safely neutralize a target.


  • To declare a Coordinated Order, players must spend 1 Command Token, and 1 Regular Order from the Order Pool of the participating Troopers' Combat Group.
  • Up to 4 Troopers can participate in a Coordinated Order.
  • When players declare a Coordinated Order, they must name one of the participating Troopers as that Order's Spearhead and place a Spearhead Token (SPEARHEAD) beside them.
  • All participating Troopers must declare and execute the exact same sequence of Skills.
  • If one of the Skills of the Coordinated Order demands a Trooper, a Marker, or a mission objective as a target, all Troopers must act against the same single target.
  • Only Troopers with the same Training (Regular/Irregular) and in the same Combat Group can participate in a Coordinated Order.
  • You can only declare a Coordinated Order during the Orders Phase of your Active Turn.
  • In a Coordinated Order, the Spearhead Trooper uses half the indicated Burst (B) of their weapon, Equipment or Special Skill, including any bonuses, rounded up.
  • All other Troopers participating in the Coordinated Order have their B reduced to 1, regardless of their weapon, Equipment or Special Skill.
  • Each reactive Trooper must choose only one of the Troopers activated by the Coordinated Order as their target, but they are not obliged to choose the same target.
  • If any of the Troopers does not meet the Requirements of a Skill declared during the Coordinated Order, then they perform an Idle instead of that Skill, while the others may act normally.
  • When declaring a CC Attack, only the Spearhead Trooper will perform the CC Attack. They apply a MOD of +1 to their B for each allied Trooper that is in Silhouette contact with the target.
  • When the Coordinated Order is finished, the player must remove the Spearhead Token (SPEARHEAD) from the table.


Peripherals and their Controllers cannot be part of Coordinated Orders.

Coordinating Skills

In a Coordinated Order, all participants must declare the same sequence of Skills, but can perform the same Skills differently. Consequently, in a coordinated BS Attack each participant would be able to choose his own weapon and apply its effects. For example, one of the Troopers could use his Combi Rifle, another throw a Grenade, a third one shoot with her Flash Pulse, and the fourth employ his Chain Rifle, since all these use the BS Attack Common Skill.

However, in a BS Attack part of a Coordinated Order, none of the participants could declare Speculative Attack or Intuitive Attack, since these Skills are different than a BS Attack.

Coordinated Order: Dodge and Reset

If the target of a Coordinated Order chooses to Dodge or Reset as his ARO, then his Roll is Face to Face against attacking Rolls as appropriate.

Coordinated Order: Success + Failure

If the participants of a Coordinated Order declare the use of a Skill or Equipment such as Doctor, MediKit or Engineer on a common target, any successful Roll means that the Skill was successful.

Coordinated Order: Targetless or Deployable Traits

Weapons or pieces of Equipment with the Targetless or Deployable Traits do not have to target the same point on the gaming table.

Coordinated Order: States

If the player declares a Coordinated Order to activate Game States, each participating Trooper must activate the same Game State. For example, if activating the Camouflaged Game State, all participating Troopers will activate the Camouflaged State, and no other State.

Coordinated Order and Hacking Programs

If the player declares a Coordinated Order to use Hacking Programs, the usual restrictions apply - each participating Trooper must use the same Hacking Program and choose the same single target, if a target is required.

Update PDF 2.1, July 2023

Coordinated Order: Hidden Deployment and Airborne Deployment


Troopers in Hidden Deployment State can be selected to be part of a Coordinated Order. However, in this situation they will lose their own Order.

While off-table, Troopers with Airborne Deployment-labelled Skills can be selected to deploy as part of a Coordinated Order. However, in this situation they will lose their own Order.


Coordinated Order Example: Movement + BS Attack

In her Active Turn, a PanOceanian player coordinates a group of 3 Fusiliers and 1 Orc Trooper to mount an attack against a Raicho, a Morat TAG of the Combined Army. The PanOceanian player spends a Command Token and a Regular Order, and assigns the Spearhead role to the Orc Trooper by placing a Spearhead Token beside it. Then, she declares the first Short Skill of her Coordinated Order: Move.

The Morat TAG can only declare an ARO against one of the four PanOceanian Troopers in its LoF, so it declares a BS Attack against the Spearheading Orc Trooper. The Orc's BS is higher and his B, even halved, is better than that of the coordinated Fusiliers, so he is more likely to inflict serious damage.

The PanOceanian player declares the second Short Skill of her Coordinated Order: BS Attack against the Morat TAG.

The exchange is resolved with a Face to Face BS Roll between the Orc Trooper, whose MULTI Rifle has its Burst reduced to 2, and the Raicho. The three Fusiliers, meanwhile, make one Normal BS Roll each, as their B is 1.

Coordinated Order Example: Movement + CC Attack

During his Active Turn, a Combined Army player decides to coordinate a group of 4 Morat Vanguard Infantry and sic them into Close Combat against a Jotum. He spends a Command Token and a Regular Order, places a Spearhead Token beside one of the Morats, and declares the first Short Skill of his Coordinated Order: Move.

The Jotum can only react against one of the oncoming Vanguards, so it declares BS Attack against the Spearhead Morat.

The Combined Army player declares the second Short Skill of his Coordinated Order: CC Attack against the PanOceanian TAG.

There is a Face to Face Roll between the Spearhead Morat's CC and the Jotum's BS. The Morat has the +1 MOD to his Burst provided by each one of his comrades engaged in that CC, so the Morat has a Burst value of 4 (1+3).

Coordinated Order Example: Failed Activation

To see what happens when one of the coordinated Troopers is unable to fulfil the Requirements of one of the declared Skills, we will go back to the previous example of 3 Fusiliers and 1 Orc Trooper against a Raicho.

After selecting the Orc Trooper as Spearhead and declaring the first Short Skill of the Order, Movement, the player measures and moves her four Troopers. The Raicho declares its ARO, and it becomes apparent that there is no LoF between the TAG and one of the Fusiliers. In spite of this, the PanOceanian player declares a BS Attack against the Raicho with the second Short Skill of the Coordinated Order. The Fusilier without LoF will simply be unable to open fire. Specifically, the Fusilier does not perform the declared BS Attack, and performs an Idle instead, as they have not met the Requirements of a declared Skill.

Coordinated Order Example: Coordinating Troopers in Marker States

In her Active Turn, the PanOceanian player wants to coordinate 2 Camouflage Markers and 1 Orc Trooper against the fearsome Raicho. The PanOceanian player spends a Command Token and a Regular Order, selects the Orc Trooper as Spearhead, and declares the first Short Skill of her Coordinated Order: Move.

The Morat TAG can only declare its ARO against one of the three looming PanOceanian Troopers, and chooses to react to one of the Camouflage Markers. Since he is reacting to a Camouflage Marker, the Raicho may delay its ARO, so it waits until the PanOceanian player declares the second Short Skill of her Order to see if the chosen Camouflage Marker reveals itself before declaring an ARO.

If the PanOceanian player declares a second Short Skill that will reveal the Camouflage Markers (BS Attack, for example), the Raicho will be able to declare an ARO against the revealed Trooper.

If the PanOceanian player declares a second Short Skill that doesn’t reveal the Camouflage Markers (another Move, for example), the Raicho will lose their right to declare an ARO.

FAQs & Errata

Version: Updated 1.1.1, Dec 2021

Q: If several Troopers are activated at once (for example a Coordinated Order or a Fireteam) and one of them uses Stealth while outside a reactive Trooper's ZoC or Hacking Area, can the Trooper that used Stealth be chosen as the target of AROs?

A: Yes, but the ARO will only be considered valid if the Stealth user performs a Skill that allows AROs. A: Yes, but the ARO will become an Idle if the Stealth user does not declare a Skill that allows AROs.

Related Pages: Coordinated Orders, Fireteams in the Active Turn, Stealth

Version: 1.0, Jan 2021

Q: If a Trooper uses an Airborne Deployment Skill to deploy onto the table via a Coordinated Order or an Impetuous activation, what happens to their own Order?

A: In this situation they will lose their own Order.

Related Pages: Combat Jump, Coordinated Orders, Impetuous, Parachutist

Version: 1.2, Jan 2022

Q: If multiple Troopers use Surprise Attack against the same target, for example via a Coordinated Order, or a Controller and Peripheral, do the Surprise Attack MODs stack with each other?

A: No. Each Trooper's Surprise Attack MOD will be applied separately. For example if a Trooper is the target of two attackers using Surprise Attack, they will only suffer one Surprise Attack MOD if they Dodge, or Attack one of the Active Troopers.

Related Pages: Coordinated Orders, Peripheral, Surprise Attack

Version: 1.3, Nov 2022

Q: Can a Controller be part of a Fireteam or Coordinated Order if its Peripheral is Isolated, Disconnected, Dead, etc?

A: No.

Related Pages: Coordinated Orders, Fireteams: Basic Rules, Peripheral