Combat Module Intro

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In Infinity, combat allows Troopers to perform Attacks. There are three kinds of Attacks: Ballistic Skills (BS), Close Combat (CC) and Quantronic Combat (Hacking). This section details every rule necessary to resolve Attacks.

BS, CC, or Hacking combat takes place within the normal Order Expenditure Sequence and it is based on the different Rolls in Infinity.

Types of Weapon

Each weapon in Infinity has its own game profile, and some of them have special rules that are explained in the Ammunition and Weaponry chapter. This rulebook also contains a Weapons Chart for you to refer to during games.

Weapons in Infinity are divided as follows:

  • BS Weapons: Those weapons having Ranges and Range MODs or using a Template to affect an area of the game table.
  • Melee Weapons: Those that can only be used in CC and possess the CC Trait.
  • Mixed Weapons: Those weapons having Ranges and Range MODs but also the CC Trait. So, they have a use Mode as a Melee Weapon and another use Mode as a BS Weapon.
  • Deployable Weapons: Those weapons that can be placed on the game table whereupon they become an independent element. They possess the Deployable Weapon Trait.
  • Technical Weapon: These weapons are considered BS Weapons for all intents and purposes, but they use the WIP Attribute instead of BS. When using this weapon, consider all rules and MODs that would affect the trooper's BS as affecting his WIP Attribute instead.
  • Throwing Weapon: These weapons are considered BS Weapons for all intents and purposes, but they use the PH Attribute instead of BS. When using this weapon, consider all rules and MODs that would affect the trooper's BS as affecting his PH Attribute instead.

Burst (B)

Update PDF 2.1, July 2023
In Infinity N4, when a Trooper performs an Attack during their Active Turn they must roll as many dice as indicated by their Weapon, Skill or piece of Equipment.

During their Active Turn, Troopers must use their full Burst (B) value including all Modifiers (MODs). However, MODs from Skills and Equipment with the Optional Label, such as the Fireteam Burst Bonus, do not have to be applied during the Active or Reactive Turn.

When declaring the Attack, the player must specify:

  • The Weapon, Equipment, or Special Skill that they will use.
  • The way they will divide the Burst (B) of the Weapon, Equipment, or Special Skill between one or more targets. In this situation, all the Attacks must be declared from the same point.
  • Additionally, if the Weapon, Equipment, or Special Skill has different types of ammunition or options, the player must then declare which one they will use.

If, during the Resolution of the Order, it is verified that some of the dice of the Burst (B) assigned to a target do not meet the necessary Requirements, then those dice will be lost. The rest of the dice of the B that do meet the Requirements will be resolved normally.

Burst During the Reactive Turn (ARO)

In ARO, the B value is always reduced to 1; however some rules or Special Skills can modify this value. If the target declared Move plus any Short Skill or Short Movement Skill, the Reactive Player may declare the ARO at any point along the Active Trooper’s movement.

Modifiers (MOD)

Both during the Active and Reactive Turns, there may be Modifiers (MODs) that affect the Burst (B). They are applied when declaring the Attack. There are also MODs to the Attack Rolls, which are applied in the Resolution step of the Order. These MODs are explained in the sections for their respective Types of Combat (BS, CC, or Hacking).

Attack Roll

Once all MODs have been established, players perform the BS Attack, CC Attack, or Hacking Rolls using the corresponding Attribute which, as a general -but not exclusive- rule, is BS, CC, PH, or WIP. The order in which the Attack Rolls are performed is irrelevant.

Normal Roll

If the Skill declared by the target does not affect the outcome of the Attack, the attacker can make a Normal Roll (see Rolls).

The player performs as many Rolls as indicated by the Burst (B) value assigned to each target.

Face to Face Roll

If the Skill declared by the target does affect the outcome of the Attack (for example declaring a BS Attack), then a Face to Face Roll is made (see Rolls).

Both players make one Roll for each point of Burst they assigned to that target.


A Critical is an automatic success. Unless otherwise specified, each Critical rolled in an Attack causes the target to make an additional Saving Roll.

If the Attack does not cause the target to make Saving Rolls, the effect of the Critical will be specified in the rules for that Attack, Ammunition etc.


Some weapons use certain Types of Ammunition capable of altering the effects of an Attack, causing more than one Saving Roll for each success, reducing the ARM or BTS of the target, etc. This can also alter the way Criticals work.

The additional roll gained by scoring a Critical Hit, will retain both the attribute used to make a saving throw and the traits of the weapon used in the attack, (unless otherwise stated).


In a Face to Face Roll, Criticals always win, trumping any non-critical result rolled by the opponent. If both players roll one or more Criticals, the Face to Face Roll is a tie and both Troopers fail.