Melee Weapon Profile
Combat Module Intro || Damage | Saving Rolls | Wounds and Structure | Unconscious | Dead | Guts Rolls || Ballistic Skills | BS Attack | Template Weapons and Equipment | Direct Template Weapons | Impact Template Weapons | Ranged Weapon Profile | Speculative Attack | Intuitive Attack || Close Combat | CC Attack | Engaged State | Melee Weapon Profile || Quantronic Combat (Hacking)
In Infinity, every Weapon has its own game profile and some of them even have special usage rules. This chapter describes how to read such a profile and details each Weapon individually. The CC Weapon will be used as an example to explain how to read a Melee Weapon profile.
Name | Range (inches) | DAM | B | Ammo | Save Att. | Traits | ||||||
8" | 16" | 24" | 32" | 40" | 48" | 96" | ||||||
CC Weapon | PH | 1 | N | ARM | CC | |||||||
Monofilament CC Weapon | 12 | 1 | N | ARM | CC, ARM=0, State: Dead |
Range indicates the Weapon's reach in inches. Melee Weapons usually lack a Range.
Damage indicates the destructive capability of the Weapon. The higher the Damage value, the more powerful the Weapon.
Burst (B) is the number of dice the Active Player must roll when declaring a CC Attack. Remember that in the Reactive Turn the value of B is generally 1, unless modified by a rule or Skill.
The Ammunition column indicates what Type of Ammunition the Weapon uses. For Weapons that can use more than one Type of Ammunition, the different options will appear separated by a "/", in this case, when declaring a CC Attack, the whole Burst B must always use the same Type of Ammunition.
However, if the Types of Ammunition are linked by a "+" it means both Types are combined.
The Saving Attribute column for the Saving Roll will indicate the necessary Attribute or Attributes (ARM, BTS, PH, ARM+BTS, etc.) to know whether each received impact's Damage or Effect is avoided or not. As with Ammunition, saving with different Attributes or their combination may be necessary (see Damage).
Traits are special features some Weapons and Equipment pieces possess. They are all explained in the Labels and Traits Section.
When the PH Attribute is shown in the Damage column instead of a numerical value, the Weapon’s Damage value will be the PH Attribute of the user of the Melee Weapon.
In the case of the Monofilament CC Weapon, its Traits indicate that the target will have their ARM value reduced to 0 for their Saving Roll and that, in the case of suffering Damage, instead of losing one point of Wound or Structure Attribute, they will enter Dead state directly. (See FAQs & Errata.)

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FAQs & Errata
Q: How does Protheion interact with Coup de Grâce, and with the State: Dead Trait?
A: In both situations, the target passes to Dead State and the Protheion user counts as inflicting a single Wound.
Related Pages: CC Attack, Melee Weapon Profile, Protheion, Traits
Combat Module Intro || Damage | Saving Rolls | Wounds and Structure | Unconscious | Dead | Guts Rolls || Ballistic Skills | BS Attack | Template Weapons and Equipment | Direct Template Weapons | Impact Template Weapons | Ranged Weapon Profile | Speculative Attack | Intuitive Attack || Close Combat | CC Attack | Engaged State | Melee Weapon Profile || Quantronic Combat (Hacking)