Game Sequence

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Game Round

Infinity games are divided into Game Rounds, or 'Rounds', during which both players have the chance to take an active role. This means each Round is divided into two Player Turns, or 'Turns', one for each player.

At the start of a Round, a new Player Turn begins, following the turn order determined during the Initiative Phase.


Player Turn

During each Turn there is an Active Player and a Reactive Player. The Active Player can activate his Troopers and execute actions, while the Reactive Player can react to the activation of the Active Player's Troopers (see ARO: Automatic Reaction Order). Each Player Turn is divided into these steps:

  1. Start of the Turn: Tactical Phase
    1. Executive Use of Command Tokens
    2. Retreat! Check
    3. Loss of Lieutenant check
    4. Order Count
  2. Impetuous Phase
  3. Orders Phase
  4. States Phase
  5. End of the Turn

Start of the Turn: Tactical Phase

The Tactical Phase is the step when the Active Player makes a series of quick checks before they start activating their Troopers.

Executive Use of Command Tokens

The Active Player may make Executive Use of their Command Tokens.

Retreat! Check

The Active Player counts his Victory Points to see if he enters a Retreat! situation.

Loss of Lieutenant Check

The Active Player checks whether he is in Loss of Lieutenant.

Order Count

The Active Player counts how many Orders he has at his disposal for this Turn, by counting the number, type and States of his Troopers.

Regular Orders


For each Regular Trooper deployed on the table, as a Model or Marker, that is not in a Null State (Unconscious, Dead…), the Active Player adds one Regular Order to his Order Pool.

Irregular Orders


Then, for each Irregular Trooper deployed on the table, as a Model or Marker, that is not in a Null State, the Active Player places an Irregular Order Token on the table, making it clear which Combat Group the Irregular Order belongs to.

Lieutenant Special Order


If the Active Player has a Lieutenant deployed on the table in a non-Null state, the player places the Special Lieutenant Order in a visible place.


Each Combat Group has its own independent Order Pool and Irregular Orders.


Orders of Troopers that have yet to deploy on the table as Models or Markers (for example, due to the Combat Jump Special Skill) do not contribute to their Order Pool. Undeployed Troopers' Orders are Private Information, so their player can keep their Orders secret and out of sight of the opponent.

Impetuous Phase


During this phase, the Active Player may activate each Trooper with the Impetuous Special Skill once, without spending an Order.

Orders Phase

This is the main phase of the Player Turn, when the Active Player gets to use her Order Pool, Irregular Orders, and the Lieutenant Special Order to activate her Troopers. The Active Player has no obligation to expend all Orders. However, unused Orders 'cannot' be reserved for subsequent Turns, and are lost.

States Phase

Once the Active Player runs out of Orders, or decides not to use the remaining ones, both players will carry out any checks for those States or Skills that require it. These rolls do not generate AROs.

All Order Tokens still on the table are removed.

End of the Turn

Once all checks are made, the Active Player Turn ends.