Skills and Equipment in Infinity
Infinity possesses a series of Skills and pieces of Equipment which allows a Trooper to act during the game. Moreover, in this section we will explain how Unit Profiles are notated, for a simpler and quicker understanding of the information about Skills and pieces of Equipment.
Update 1.3, Nov 2022
Skills can only be declared from a position that the Trooper has already been in or moved through during the current Order. Therefore the Active Trooper cannot declare a Skill from a position they have not reached yet.
Development team note: By adding this important box, our intention is to end all the annoying situations that have been generated with the modification of the Order Sequence, but keeping the flexibility when declaring skills. So, you will still be able to declare "Shoot" as the first half of the Order. However, if you really want to shoot a Trooper behind a wall, you must move first and then shoot.
First and foremost is identifying the Modifiers or MODs, (+) bonus or (-) penalties that appear in Unit Profiles:
Update 1.3, Nov 2022
Any MOD or value in round brackets next to a Special Skill, Weapon, or Equipment—such as CC Attack (+3), Combat Jump (PH=10), BS Attack (B+1) etc.—only applies when using the Special Skill, Weapon, or Equipment.
- Positive MODs only apply to the user.
- Negative MODs only apply to enemies.
- Negative MODs for Automatic Skills and Equipment—such as Mimetism (-6), or Surprise Shot (-3)—always apply the MOD as specified in their rules.
- Negative MODs for other Special Skills, Weapons, and Equipment—such as Dodge (-3), or CC Attack (-3)—only apply during Face to Face Rolls.
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- “ReRoll” in round brackets next to a Special Skill, Weapon, or Equipment will allow the user to reroll one die from the Roll, only when using that Special Skill, Weapon, or Equipment.
Update 1.3, Nov 2022
If these Modifiers (MODs) affect Burst (B), they are only applied during the Active Turn. The maximum Burst (B) value of any weapon is 6, no matter how many MODs to B are applied.
Show original text.
MODs imposed by Skills, Special Skills, or pieces of Equipment may be applied to their users, or to those enemy Troopers acting against them, in several different ways. For example:
- BS Attack (+1B) means that, when its user declares a BS Attack in their Active Turn, they must apply a +1 MOD to their BS Weapon’s Burst. They may not, however, apply this MOD during their Reactive Turn if they declare a BS Attack ARO.
- BS Attack (Shock) means that the user adds Shock Ammunition to all their BS Attacks.
- Mimetism (-3) means that a Trooper declaring BS Attack or Discover against the user must apply an additional -3 MOD to their Roll.
- Combat Jump (PH=10) means that, when performing the PH Roll required by this Skill, a PH value of 10 must be applied instead of the user’s PH Attribute.
- ECM (Hacking -3) means that a Trooper declaring a Hacking Program against the user must apply an additional -3 MOD to their Roll.
- Immunity (POS) means that the user cannot enter the Possessed State.
If a Special Skill or piece of Equipment has different Levels and only one of them is listed, it means the Trooper may only use the listed Level.
If “Total” is used, the player may choose which Level to use in each Order or ARO they declare.
The Labels, Traits and Effects of Skills and pieces of Equipment a Trooper has can be combined with each other, as long as the NFB Label is respected.

A good player lets their adversary know when they don’t use one of the Special Skills with the Optional Label. To expedite the match, both players may consider that these Optional Special Skills are always applied, unless otherwise stated.
Different actions a Trooper may declare are called Skills. There are two types of Skills: Common Skills, that any Trooper can declare, and Special Skills, that can only be declared by those units which list the Special Skill in their Unit Profile.
Both Common and Special Skills have labels that indicate defining characteristics, for quick reference. You can check all Labels and Traits.
Both Common and Special Skills can also be divided into:
Automatic Skills are those that can be employed without expending an Order or ARO. Consequently, these Skills do not require a Roll.
Deployment Skills are those used during the Deployment Phase or during the game, when the Troopers are deployed. These Skills must observe the usual Deployment rules except when otherwise stated.
To declare one of these Skills, the user must expend one Short Skill.
To declare one of these Skills, the user must expend one Short Movement Skill.
To declare one of these Skills, the user must expend one Entire Order. These Skills can only be declared in the Active Turn.
ARO Skills are those that Troopers may perform as an ARO.

Want to know more? You may find all the additional info to further explore the Infinity Universe in background books, articles and appendices.
FAQs & Errata
Q: When do you apply negative MODs for Skills, Equipment, and Weapons, and who do the MODs apply to? For example when using CC Attack (-X).
A: The value of an Attribute, Burst, Damage, Ammunition, MOD, number of uses... will only apply when using that Skill, Weapon or Equipment. If the Skill, Weapon, or Equipment requires any targets, the MOD will only apply to those targets.
Q: Do Skills that let you perform a 'BS Attack Roll' (for example Intuitive Attack and Speculative Attack), or have the BS Attack Label, count as a BS Attack for MODs? For example if the Trooper has 'BS Attack (+1 Damage)' or 'BS Attack (AP)'.
A: Yes.
Related Pages: BS Attack, Intuitive Attack, Labels, Skills and Equipment in Infinity, Speculative Attack
Q: Do Pistols with (+1B) or (+2B) apply the additional Burst in CC Mode?
A: Yes, but only in the Active Turn.
Related Pages: CC Attack, Pistols, Skills and Equipment in Infinity
Q: How does the Disposable Trait interact with Burst values higher than 1?
A: Each additional Burst uses up a Disposable use. For example, a Trooper with a Panzerfaust (a two-use weapon with B 1) and BS Attack (+1B) must make an attack with B 2, consuming in a single Order the two projectiles available in the Panzerfaust, so the Panzerfaust will be unloaded and the player must place an Unloaded Token next to the Trooper.
Related Pages: Skills and Equipment in Infinity, Traits