Close Combat

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Close Combat (CC)

Urban combat, attempting to take a building, or ship to ship space-boarding often occur in reduced spaces, which favors close combat with bladed weapons (knives, machetes, sabers, swords, claws, etc.) which we generically call Melee Weapons.

Interacting with a Close Combat

Any Trooper in Silhouette contact with an Allied Model that is in the Engaged State may only declare CC Attack, Dodge or other related Skills that may be used in CC. For example, in these circumstances declaring Skills such as Doctor or Engineer on a Trooper in Engaged State is not allowed.

Movement Sequence and CC

Close Combat is often associated with a Movement, the most common game sequence in this case is the following:

Step 1

The Active Player (Orange) consumes an Order and declares Move. eng-movement-and-cc-1-1024.jpg

Step 2

The Reactive Player (Blue) declares CC Attack as their ARO. eng-movement-and-cc-2-1024.jpg

Step 3

The Active Player (Orange) declares CC Attack as the second Short Skill of the Order. eng-movement-and-cc-3_v2-1024.jpg

Step 4

The corresponding Face to Face Roll is performed. Face to Face Roll:

Active Player: 1 Die in CC.

Reactive Player: 1 Die in CC. eng-movement-and-cc-4_v2-1024.jpg

CC Attack Modifiers (MOD)

Before performing the CC Attack Roll (or Rolls), the player must check every MOD they must apply. The MODs are:

  • Close Combat against several enemies.
  • Special Skills, Weapons and Equipment.

Close Combat With Multiple Troopers

Update PDF 2.1, July 2023
This rule is applied when more than 2 Troopers are in Silhouette contact with the objective and any of them is activated.

During the Active Turn:

When declaring a CC Attack, the Player must select one Trooper or Peripheral activated by the Order. That Trooper or Peripheral performs the CC Attack and obtains a +1 MOD to B for each Allied Trooper or Peripheral that is not in a Null or Immobilized State, and is in Silhouette contact with their target.

During the Reactive Turn:

Update PDF 2.1, July 2023
When declaring AROs, if the Reactive player decides to declare CC Attack they must select only one Trooper or Peripheral in Silhouette contact with the objective. The selected Trooper performs a CC Attack and will have a +1 MOD to B for each Allied Trooper or Peripheral in in Silhouette contact with the objective. The MOD is only applied for those allies that are not in a Null or Immobilized State, and have not declared Dodge, Idle or Reset.

Other Restrictions

When in Close Combat it is only possible to declare CC Attack, Dodge, Idle or Reset.

The maximum number of Models that may be in Silhouette contact with a Model on a 25 mm base is 4.

The maximum number of Models that may be in Silhouette contact with a Model on a 40 mm or larger base is 6.


Close Combat Against Several Enemies, Active Turn

In the image we have a Fusilier (Blue) and a Doctor Zhanshi YĪSHĒNG with his Servant Peripheral YÁOZĂO (Orange).

Step 1

The Active Player (Orange) consumes an Order and declares Move. eng-cc-several-enemies-active-1_v2.jpg

Step 2

The Reactive Player (Blue) declares BS Attack against the Doctor as ARO. eng-cc-several-enemies-active-2.jpg

Step 3

The Active Trooper declares CC Attack. The player chooses the Doctor to perform said CC Attack. The Doctor obtains a +1B MOD for having his Peripheral (Servant) in contact with his target. eng-cc-several-enemies-active-3_v2.jpg

Step 4

Measurements for the BS Attack are made and the dice are rolled. Face to Face Roll:

Active Player: 2 Dice in CC.

Reactive Player: 1 Die in BS. eng-cc-several-enemies-active-4_v2.jpg

Close Combat Against Several Enemies, Reactive Turn

In the Blue player’s Active Turn, a Move + CC Attack Order is added to the previous example’s melee:

Step 1

The Active Player (Blue) consumes an Order and declares Move until coming into Silhouette contact with the Peripheral (Servant). eng-cc-several-enemies-reactive-1.jpg

Step 2 Since the Troopers involved in a Close Combat do not have LoF outside Close Combat, they cannot declare BS Attack. Therefore, the Reactive Player (Orange) can only declare CC Attack, Reset, Idle or Dodge with their Peripheral (Servant).

They decide to declare CC Attack as ARO with their Peripheral (Servant). eng-cc-several-enemies-reactive-2.jpg

Step 3

As the second half of the Order, the Active Player declares CC Attack.

The Fusilier obtains a +1B MOD thanks to his partner being in CC with the Peripheral (Servant).

The Peripheral does not obtain the +1B MOD because its Controller is not in CC with the Active Trooper. eng-cc-several-enemies-reactive-3.jpg

Step 4

The corresponding Rolls are performed. Face to Face Roll:

Active Player. 2 Dice in CC.

Reactive Player: 1 Die in CC. eng-cc-several-enemies-reactive-4.jpg

Special Skills and Equipment

Certain Special Skills, Weapons, and Equipment impose MODs to CC Attack Rolls, as seen in the rulebook (see Special Skills, Weaponry, and Equipment, although it is recommended that these concepts be applied as they appear in the game).

See Also

Success Values Above 20