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Revisión del 14:29 17 jun 2020

This Common Skill allows the user to move and to attempt to evade an Attack against them. It also gives the user the opportunity to turn around to face an enemy who acts outside their LoF.


Troopers can only Dodge if at least one of these is true:

  • Allows the user to make a Face to Face Roll to evade all enemy Attacks during an Order or ARO, regardless of the Burst (B) value (for example, Dodging every strike in Close Combat, or shots from several opponents).
  • This Face to Face Roll pits the user's PH Attribute against whichever Attribute the attacker uses (BS, CC, PH or WIP).
  • If the user is not making a Face to Face Roll (for example if they have not been Attacked, or have been affected by a Direct Template Weapon), they will instead make a Normal PH Roll.
  • Dodge does not allow the user to evade Hacking Programs and other Comms Attacks, but the Reset Skill does.
  • A successful Normal or Face to Face Dodge Roll allows the user to move up to 2 inches. This movement:
    • Is measured, declared, and the Trooper moved, during the Effects step of the Order Expenditure Sequence. If both players have Troopers that successfully Dodged, the Active Player will move their Troopers first, then the Reactive Player will move theirs.
    • Does not generate AROs or trigger Deployable Weapons or Equipment.
    • Must follow the General Movement Rules as well as the Moving and Measuring sidebar, both of which are explained in the Movement Module.
    • Allows the user to enter Engaged State with an enemy, as long as the movement is enough to reach Silhouette contact with that enemy.
  • A successful Dodge Roll, whether it is a Normal or Face to Face, allows the user to cancel their Engaged State and IMM-A State, applying any State-specific MODs.

  • In ARO, if the Active Trooper is inside ZoC and outside LoF, the Reactive Trooper's Roll suffers a -3 PH MOD.
  • If Dodging a Template Weapon without LoF to the attacker, the Trooper's Roll suffers a -3 PH MOD.
  • If Dodging the Template of a Deployable Weapon, the Trooper's Roll suffers a -3 PH MOD.


Example of Dodge and Engaged State

Step 1:

The Fusilier declares Move as the first Short Skill of their Order.

The Zhanshi declares Dodge as their ARO, attempting to reach close combat, to halt the Fusilier's advance.

The Fusilier declares BS Attack as the second Skill of their Order.

The Fusilier's Success Value will be 15 (12 + 3).

BS = 12.
+3 for Range.

The Zhanshi's Success Value will be 10.

PH = 10


Step 2:

The corresponding Face to Face Roll is performed.

The Zhanshi wins the Face to Face Roll and dodges the Fusilier's shots. If the player chooses to, they may now move the Zhanshi up to 2 inches in any direction.


Step 3:

During step 5.1 of the Order Expenditure Sequence, the Zhanshi checks how far can he get with his 2 inches of movement. After checking that the Fusilier is within that distance, he decides to move into contact, and ends up in Engaged State with the Fusilier.


Example of Dodge and a Deployable Weapon


During his Active Turn, the Fusilier declares Move as the first Short Skill of their Order.

The Zhanshi is probably within a Mine's Trigger Area. If he declares any ARO, the Mine will detonate. Since the alternative to not declaring an ARO is to suffer three unopposed shots from the Fusilier, the Zhanshi declares Dodge as their ARO.

The Fusilier declares BS Attack as the second Skill of their Order:

Declaring the Dodge ARO gives the Zhanshi a Face to Face Roll against the Fusilier's shots, and also an attempt to avoid being hit by the Mine.

The Zhanshi's Success Value will be 10

PH = 10

The Fusilier's Success Value will be 15

BS = 12
+3 for Range


The Zhanshi manages to avoid the Fusilier's shots by winning the Face to Face Roll with his 8.

But the Mine hits the Zhanshi, since the Mine is a Deployable Weapon and it imposes a -3 MOD to Dodge. In addition, the Zhanshi lacks LoF to the Mine, so an additional -3 MOD will be applied due to Dodging a Template Weapon without LoF (a total of PH -6). Therefore, the Zhanshi would only avoid the mine if his die's result was 4 or less. By failing to Dodge the Mine's impact, the Zhanshi will also be unable to move up to 2 inches, even though he succeeded against the Fusilier's Attacks.