Army List
Game Elements | Open and Private Information | Labels and Traits | Armies | Unit Profile | Game States | Army List | Orders and the Order Pool | Trooper Activation | Initiative and Deployment | Game Sequence | Loss of Lieutenant | Silhouettes | Line of Fire | Zone of Control | Zones, Bases and Silhouettes | Coherency | Distances and Measurements | Replacing Models and Markers | Rolls
Army List
The Army List is the list of Troopers that make up the combat forces the player will be using during the game.
In order to play a game of Infinity, the first step will be to determine the number of Army Points with which the Army Lists will be created. This number will be decided by mutual agreement between the players, or it could be determined by the organizer in the case of an event.
An Army List may include a maximum of 15 Troopers.
A standard Infinity N4 game is organized with 300 Points and 6 SWC, which would let players include up to 15 Troopers for an average duration game.
Only those Troopers who contribute or spend Orders take up space in the Army List. Peripherals do not contribute or spend Orders, so they do not count towards the maximum limit of 15 Troopers in an Army List.
Sectorial Army Lists
The Sectorial Armies are specific sections of a faction, or small territorial armies from a specific area, region, or planet of the faction to which they belong. Each faction in Infinity N4 may have one or more Sectorial Armies.
The Sectorial Armies have their own distinct Army Lists with Trooper Availabilities that are different from the generic Army of the faction they belong to. They will often have greater access to specific units, at the cost of not being able to access other units from their generic Armies, which in turn belong to other Sectorial Armies of the same faction.
A player who uses a Sectorial Army List will only be able to field Troopers listed in the Sectorial Army, and will not be able to field Troopers from the Generic Army List that are not specifically listed in the Sectorial Army.
At the same time, if a Generic Army List is used, players may not field Sectorial Army Troopers that are not included in the Generic Army List, or field the troopers using the Availabilities listed for the Sectorial Army.
Army Points and Value
The total sum of the Cost of the Troopers that make up an Army List must always be equal to or lower than the number of Army Points agreed upon for the game.
In order to create an Army List, the player needs to select his Troopers from the ones available for his faction (PanOceania, Yu Jing, Combined Army...) and add up their Cost.
Combat Group
A Combat Group is a closed group of Troopers with a maximum number of members no greater than 10.
When the total number of Troopers making up an Army List is more than 10, the player must organize the Troopers into separate Combat Groups.
When creating the Army List, the player must assign each Trooper to a Combat Group; he can create extra Combat Groups as needed, as long as the total number of Troopers in each one is no greater than 10.
A Combat Group cannot normally be reorganized during the game. Because of this, players are not allowed to transfer Troopers or their Orders from one Combat Group to another.
Only those Troopers who contribute or spend Orders take up space in the Army List. Peripherals do not contribute or spend Orders, so they do not count towards the maximum limit of 10 Troopers in a Combat Group.
Although the content of a Marker is Private Information, which Combat Group they belong to is Open Information.
If the Marker is a Deployable Weapon or piece of Equipment, it belongs to the Combat Group of the Trooper that deployed it.
Availability (AVA)
All Troopers have an Availability (AVA) value on their Unit Profile. The Availability Attribute determines the maximum number of Troopers from the Unit that can be included in the player’s Army List.
An Availability of Total allows the player to field as many Troopers from that Unit as desired, without exceeding the agreed Army Points for the game, or the number of Troopers allowed in the Army List.
Support Weapons Cost (SWC)
Support Weapons are the weapons or Special Equipment not included in the basic or standard equipment. These Support Weapons have a specific cost named Support Weapons Cost (SWC).
On each Unit Profile, the SWC for each option for that Trooper is specified, taking into account the weapons and the equipment at their disposal.
In game terms, each 50 Army Points will provide 1 point of SWC to spend on Troopers with Support Weapons.
For example, in a standard 300 Point game, players will have 6 SWC points available to spend on Troopers with Support Weapons.
Troopers whose SWC value has the + symbol will provide the player that many extra SWC points to be added to the total of the Support Weapons Points available for his Army List. In addition, it will not cost the player any SWC to field these Troopers, as their SWC points value is considered to be 0.
Army Lists must have one Trooper with the Lieutenant Special Skill.
However, players are not allowed to field more than one Trooper with the Lieutenant Special Skill in their Army List.
Infinity Army
Infinity Army is the free and official tool to create Army Lists for Infinity CodeOne. This tool offers:
- An easy and intuitive interface. The software of this application assesses the legality of each Army List the player creates, keeping in consideration the guidelines for the creation of Army Lists, both for standard games and for participating in Infinity CodeOne events.
- Infinity Army has all the updated Unit Profiles available for Infinity.
Infinity Army is the quickest and easiest way to create Army Lists, and it is available for free on the official Infinity website:
FAQs & Errata
Q: Do you have to say which Combat Group Irregular Orders belong to?
A: Yes.
Related Pages: Army List, Orders and the Order Pool
Q: When do Unconscious, Dead or Sepsitorized Troopers leave a Combat Group?
A: Unconscious Troopers are still part of their Combat Group. Dead or Sepsitorized Troopers are not part of any Combat Group.
Related Pages: Combat Groups, Command Tokens, Dead, Sepsitorized, Unconscious
Game Elements | Open and Private Information | Labels and Traits | Armies | Unit Profile | Game States | Army List | Orders and the Order Pool | Trooper Activation | Initiative and Deployment | Game Sequence | Loss of Lieutenant | Silhouettes | Line of Fire | Zone of Control | Zones, Bases and Silhouettes | Coherency | Distances and Measurements | Replacing Models and Markers | Rolls