This rulebook uses a series of terms that describe and refer to certain concepts that are important for understanding the game mechanics and the way specific rules, skills, weapons, and pieces of Equipment work. This section compiles all these terms for quick reference. However, it is recommended that the players are introduced to these concepts gradually as they come up during their first games.
On the official Infinity website, you can download for free all the Markers, Tokens, and Templates that are necessary for the game.
This set of rules features a collection of terms which refer to very specific game elements that help to clarify the extent of the rules. [...]
In Infinity CodeOne it is important to define which game elements belong to a players’ side, and which belong to no side. This determines if those game elements are capable of being attacked, and if so, from whom these attacks may come. [...]
Labels and Traits
Labels describe a series of defining aspects of Skills, weapons, and pieces of Equipment for a quick reference. [...]
Traits are the special features of certain weapons and pieces of Equipment. [...]
Game States List
A State is a game rule that represents the different conditions, positive or negative, in which a Trooper or Game Element can be in. [...]