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Infinity CodeOne uses 20-sided dice (commonly known as d20) to determine whether specific actions are successful. For example, players roll dice to find out whether their Troopers succeed in hitting their target in ranged combat, hacking into enemy systems, discovering a hidden enemy, etc.
Infinity CodeOne's game mechanics revolve around two types of d20 rolls: Normal Rolls and Face to Face Rolls.
Successful Roll
Troopers and game Elements have a series of Attributes that define their capabilities to perform different game actions. Rolls are made against the Success Value (SV), the numeric value resulting from applying the relevant Modifiers (both negative and positive) to the Attribute used for the Skill.
To find out if a Skill has succeeded, a d20 is rolled and the result is compared to the Success Value. Any result that is equal or less than the Success Value means that the Skill was successful.
Modifiers (MOD)
In most cases, the circumstances of an action apply Modifiers (MODs) to the relevant Attribute before a roll is made. MODs, by increasing or decreasing the numeric value of an Attribute, denote the difficulty of the Skill at hand. A positive MOD applies when the Skill performed is easier than usual, and a negative MOD makes the Skill harder than usual.
Whenever a rule mentions the value of an Attribute, consider it to mean the Success Value, obtained after applying all MODs.
Maximum Modifier
Maximum Modifier:
The sum total of the Modifiers applied to a Roll can never exceed +12 or -12.
Any Modifier that adds up to more than +12 or less than -12 is ignored and replaced by the maximum MOD of +12 or -12, as appropriate.
The most commonly used MODs are:
- Range: can modify the BS, PH and WIP Attributes.
- Cover: can modify BS, PH, WIP, and Saving Rolls.
- Skills, Weapons and Equipment: can modify several different Attributes.
Positive [+] or negative [-] Modifiers (MOD) may appear in the Unit Profiles:
- A positive MOD [+] in round brackets next to a Special Skill, Weapon, or Equipment will be applied only to the user of that Special Skill, Weapon, or Equipment.
- A negative MOD [-] in round brackets next to a Special Skill, Weapon, or Equipment will be applied only to enemies.
- The value of an Attribute, Burst, Damage, etc. in round brackets next to a Special Skill, Weapon, or Equipment will be applied only when using that Special Skill, Weapon or Equipment.
In Infinity CodeOne, any time a number (a result on a die, an Attribute, a MOD...) is divided and rounded to an integer, it is always rounded up. For example, half of 5 (5 / 2 = 2.5) would be 3.
Maximum Modifier Example
Maximum Modifier Example
The Akal Commando declares: Move + BS Attack with his Combi Rifle. His BS Attack will apply the following MODs:
- -6 for the Hac Tao’s Mimetism.
- -3 for Cover.
- -6 for Range.
The total sum of Modifiers is -15. Given that the maximum MOD is -12, the Success Value (SV) will be 13 - 12 = 1.
Criticals represent the improved outcomes of actions that resulted in an exceptional success. When the result on the die matches the Success Value (remember: the value of the Attribute with all MODs applied), the action is a Critical success. The goal of the action was achieved in the best possible way. A perfect success, congratulations!
In Face to Face Rolls, Criticals always win, regardless of the rival’s results. If both players get one or more Criticals, the Face to Face Roll is a tie and both Troopers are considered to have failed.
Success Values Below 1
Negative MODs can sometimes cause the Success Value to drop below 1 for an action. In these cases, the player does not roll the dice, and the Roll is an automatic failure.
Success Values Above 20
In other cases, a high Attribute or positive MODs to an Attribute can cause the Success Value to be higher than 20. In this case, consider the Success Value to be 20, but with the peculiarity that the player adds the amount by which the Success Value exceeded 20 to his result on the die (a Success Value of 23 would add 3 to the result).
In these cases, any result of 20 or more on the roll is a Critical, if applicable. Success Values above 20 (either from positive MODs or plainly stated in the Troop Profile) increase the chance of obtaining a Critical result.
Example of a Success Value/Attribute Over 20
The Knight of Justice has a Close Combat (CC) Attribute value of 23. Therefore, any result in a Normal Roll will be a success. Every time he performs a CC roll, he also adds 3 to the die’s result (for example: 4 + 3 = 7). For that reason, he will obtain a Critical if the result is 17 or higher: 17 (17 + 3 = 20), 18 (18 + 3 = 21), 19 (19 + 3 = 22), etc.
Normal Roll
Normal Rolls are the most common, basic dice rolls in Infinity. This roll is used when a Trooper is not facing off against an enemy, but instead must check if they successfully use an uncontested or passively contested Skill (such as trying to Discover a camouflaged enemy or healing an ally by means of the Doctor Special Skill).
To make a Normal Roll and find out if a Trooper is successful when performing a Skill, simply roll one d20 and compare the result against the Success Value of the relevant Attribute of the Trooper performing the action. If the result on the die is equal to or lower than the Success Value, the Skill is successful, and the Trooper achieves its goal.
Normal Roll Example
The Fusilier Angus’ BS Attribute is 12 and he has to make a Normal BS Roll with a -3 MOD, with a BS Success Value of 9, so he rolls a d20 and gets an 8. Since the Success Value is 9, the roll is a success. Later on, Angus tries another Normal BS Roll, but this time he gets a 12. As the Success Value is 9, he fails the roll. Plantilla:Grey-box-end