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Revisión del 11:18 3 jul 2020

Traits are the special features of certain weapons and pieces of Equipment.

Traits are commonly given to Common and Special Skills, or to specific effects that make these rules more unique. Some are pretty obvious, and their names describe what their effects are, nevertheless, a list of the different Traits is provided to make them easier to identify:

ARM = 0

This weapon or piece of Equipment reduces the ARM Attribute of the Target to 0 when a Saving Roll is required.


This weapon or piece of Equipment is only usable in ARO.

BTS = 0

This weapon or piece of Equipment reduces the BTS Attribute of the Target to 0 when a Saving Roll is required.

Burst (B)

This indicates the number of dice the player must roll when using the weapon or piece of Equipment.


This weapon can be used when making CC Attacks.


This weapon or piece of Equipment uses the effects of the Camouflage Special Skill. Refer to the description of the weapon or Equipment for more details. Camouflage Markers concealing a weapon or a piece of Equipment have a Silhouette (S) value of 2.

Continuous Damage

After failing a Saving Roll, the target will lose 1 point from its Wounds/STR Attribute and it will have to keep making Saving Rolls until it passes a Saving Roll or until it ends up in Dead State.

A Critical hit with a weapon with this Trait forces the target to make an additional Saving Roll. This extra Saving Roll doesn’t apply the Continuous Damage Trait.


This weapon or piece of Equipment may be deployed on the battlefield, thus becoming an element independent of its carrier. Deployable weapons and pieces of Equipment have their own profiles and their own Attributes, and they may be chosen as a target during the game.

Direct Template

This weapon or piece of Equipment uses the Direct Template rules, firing the Template indicated in brackets.


This weapon or Equipment has a limited amount of ammunition or uses, and one is expended every time you declare its use, regardless of the success or failure of the Roll involved, or if a Skill has been declared illegally. The profile indicates, by means of a figure in brackets after the Disposable trait, the number of uses for that weapon or Equipment. Once all the uses available are expended, the Trooper, or the item if the Trooper has several Disposable weapons or Equipment, will be in Unloaded State.


This weapon or piece of Equipment uses a Type of Ammunition that does not cause Damage, or that does not require its target to make a Saving Roll when hit.

Prior Deployment

You must place this weapon or piece of Equipment on the game table during the Deployment Phase.


This weapon or piece of Equipment causes its target to enter a specific Game State. The Game State it causes will be indicated in the profile of the weapon, Program, or piece of Equipment.


This weapon utilizes a Special Ammunition capable of firing without designating an enemy as a target.

Zone of Control (ZC)

The range of this weapon or piece of Equipment is equivalent to the user's Zone of Control (8 inches).