Hacking Programs Chart

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Hacking Programs Chart

Name Attack MOD Opp. MOD DAM B Target Skill Type Special
Carbonite 0 0 13 2 TAG, HI, REM, Hacker Short Skill/ARO DA Ammo, Non-Lethal, State: Immobilized-B.
Spotlight 0 0 -- 1 -- Short Skill/ARO Non-Lethal, State: Targeted.
Name Attack MOD Opp. MOD DAM B Target Skill Type Special
Assisted Fire -- -- -- -- REM Entire Order Target gains Marksmanship.
Carbonite 0 0 13 2 TAG, HI, REM, Hacker Short Skill/ARO DA Ammo, Non-Lethal, State: Immobilized-B.
Controlled Jump -- -- -- -- -- Short Skill/ARO +3/-3 MOD to the PH of every Trooper that performs Combat Jump.
Cybermask -- -- -- -- -- Entire Order Replace user with IMP-2 Marker.
Enhanced Reaction -- -- -- -- REM Entire Order Target gains B2 in ARO.
Fairy Dust -- -- -- -- TAG, HI, REM Entire Order The targets gain Firewall MODs.
Oblivion 0 0 16 2 TAG, HI, REM, Hacker Short Skill/ARO AP Ammo, Non-Lethal, State: Isolated
Total Control 0 0 16 1 TAG Short Skill/ARO DA Ammo, Non-Lethal, State: POS/Normal.
Trinity +3 0 14 3 Hacker Short Skill/ARO Loss of 1 Wounds/STR.
Spotlight 0 0 -- 1 -- Short Skill/ARO Non-Lethal, State: Targeted.
White Noise -- -- -- 1 -- Short Skill NFB, Reflective: Circular Template blocking LoF for Multispectral Visors.
Zero Pain 0 -3 -- 2 -- Short Skill/ARO Nullifies Comms Attack. B2 in ARO, Non-Lethal.

Key to the Hacking Programs Quick Reference Chart

Each Hacking Program grants a series of MODs and advantages when used, that are reflected in charts listing the following information:

  • Attack MOD. A MOD that is applied to the user's WIP Attribute.
  • Opponent's MOD. A MOD that is applied to an enemy Trooper's Attribute when performing a Face to Face Roll.
  • Damage. The value used to determine the Damage when applying a successful Hacking Program Roll. Unless otherwise stated, the Attribute used in the Saving Roll to resist Damage from a Hacking Program is BTS.
  • Burst. The number of dice the Active Player must roll when declaring the Hacking Program. When the B value is higher than 1, it may be concentrated on a single target or be divided among several targets.
    Remember that in the Reactive Turn the B value is generally 1, unless modified by a rule or Skill.
  • Target. The Troop Type that can be targeted by the Hacking Program.
  • Type of Skill. Indicates the type of Skill (Entire Order, Short Skill, ARO, etc.) that must be spent to use the Hacking Program.
  • Special. Indicates the special effects that the Hacking Program's user may apply. This section may also indicate a State that will be imposed on the target, or the type of Ammunition and Traits that may apply.


Unless otherwise stated, the range of every Program is always the Hacker's Hacking Area.

Hacking Devices and Hacking Programs: Characteristics

Hacking Devices and Hacking Programs have the following characteristics:

  • They act in the user's Hacking Area.
  • They do not require LoF to act, unless the Hacking Program's own description states otherwise.
  • Only Troopers or Peripherals in Model form may be targeted by Hacking Programs.
  • They benefit, if applicable, from the target's Targeted State.